Why I added CC on my own blog?

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Creative Common  is one of the most visible protagonists in ‘remix culture’, and in recent years, it has become mainstream. The inventor of Creative Common Lawrence Lessig explained that the “culture of remix as a paradigmatic turn from a passive read-only culture to an active read-and-write culture” (Medosch, 2008:75). CC is international working non-profit organization, it makes it different from those  ‘piracy’ for commercial profit.  As CC explained on its own website:"Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation."

As a university student, I found that Creative Common is very useful and helpful, it allows me to adopt other people’s idea and work freely and share with others whenever I want. Criticizes of Creative Common argued that it is a form of giving up copyrights and intellectual property, but CC will allow its creator to choose and mix between different levels of freedom and protection, that’s the creator’s own intention for the work to share or not with other people.  While the work is published by CC, the author will still retain ‘some rights”, like Medosch, at the time his book were sold as hard copies, he allowed a PDF under a CC licence.

I would like remain to use CC to share stuffs and looking for entertainment. CC helped many unwell-known creator become available to the public,  without CC, we might have no ideas how great these works are!!



Armin Medosch, ‘Paid in Full: Copyright, Piracy and the Real Currency of Cultural Production’, in Deptforth. TV Diaries II: Pirate Strategies. London: Deptforth TV, 2008, pp75

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